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  From: Sengan Baring-Gould <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 10:44:39 -0600

Re: NVidia is a horseshit company

> Do you expect a full
> schematic for the card's layout too?  Why not?  Don't you feel you
> have a "right" to that information?

Actually I DO. That's how it was in Russia, allowing people to repair
theirradios/TVs whatever. I find it morally wrong that 1 year after I bought a
it breaks, and I have to fork out money to get it repaired since it does not
with full documentation. I view the continual dumbification of people to be
sign of the decline of our "civilisation". I am very fed-up of my freedom being

continually curtailed by closed standards, dumb ass views like "well just don't

use a computer then", etc. Why is it that so many people believe companies'
interest is the same as people's interest. It is not. Their interest is
Our interest is freedom. Unless we defend our interest, we'll lose it.


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