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  From: James A Simmons <>
  To  : ggi-develop <>
  Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 07:13:32 -0400 (EDT)

Re: kgicon -> linux-2.2 ideas (was Re: Makefile vote II)

On Sat, 19 Sep 1998, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:

> > Why not pack up a KGI-install of a (working) set of MediaGX KGI/fbcon
> > drivers as a patch-set and send that in?  Why send the whole driver tree
> > in?
> Linus has to accept the numerous changes to drivers/video in the vger tree
> first! He said he want to see only _one_ more patch, at 2.2-$\epsilon$. At the
> moment he just ignores all patches to drivers/video. And I'm afraid you won't
> find a $delta < epsilon$ such that kgicon will be in 2.2...

Okay. Geert who sends in the offical patch to linus. Perhaps I could talk
with him. Merge the vger tree patch with kgicon. Then linus will get his
one big patch.

As for the the makefile disagreement. This is what I think is the best
solution. Don't change the current drivers but deal with the include
problem with the new KGI API. We will need to rework the drivers anyways.
Please post the new KGI API or where the docs on it are. I like to get
this done within the week. I figure we should change the drivers now
instead of when their complete and breaking everything. Whats better to
break something broken or something fixed. 

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