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  From: Sven <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 09:31:53 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: libggi not working ...

> The fact that libggi doesn't use autoconf/automake has been discussed
> several times on the list. It doesn't yet because

> 1) Noone got down to do it

same reason as ever, well maybe i will find time for it, but i think it would be best if someone more familiar with the internals of libggi does it. I just tried it this week, and am still busy on other things, but perhaps later on i will have more time
and do it.

> 2) It is believed that *BSD people would be annoyed by that.

 ??? i am sure the *BSD folk use automake/autoconf as well as you. anyway, you are not doing a derivative of it, and not linking to it,
you are just using it.

it is the same as saying the *BSD folk would not like it because we use gcc.



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