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  From: Kenneth Johansson <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 01:46:43 +0200

Re: NVidia is a _just_ a company

Jos Hulzink wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Sep 1998, Andrea Venturi wrote:
> > hello,
> > this is a quote of the message that mr. putnam of nvidia wrote me about
> > the programming of an old nvidia chip (nv1...); he told me that they
> > will soon release the specs with a public announce on their web site
> > also.
> Erm... The USER specs, not the DEVELOPERS specs ... Shoot NVidia

Well I got this reply.--------------
    Thank you for writing. At this time we are not releasing programming
    information for the NV devices.

    However, we intend to make such information freely available in the
    future. Please watch our website for an announcement.


> > i suppose that we could "politely" flood  ;-) his mailbox ; just please
> > take down the anger!
> Anger ? happy ! They prevent me from buying an over $200 video card
> (Viper 550) while not having the money for it :) *sigh*
> Why can S3 send me the complete manuals from America to the Netherlands
> in five days, complete with X11 timing specifications (!!!) and X11
> hardware cursor notes (!!!), and NVidia....... &^*#@^&*^%!@%&*

I don't buy anything before I know I can use it. If a company have a policy
that don't fit my needs I simply don't buy anything from them. Tseng sent me
information on et6000 for free. This was very nice but nothing I think is
something they have to do. They probably made a loss on me I dont think they
got so much money from me buying the card in the first place that it covers
the cost of the book and shiping/handling cost.

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