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  From: Brent Fulgham <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 11:17:03 -0700

Re: STOP IT! (was: Re: NVidia is a horseshit company)

>What we could do instead is to maintain a list of manufacturers that
>doesn't give out specs on our website. Not call them assholes, just
>plainly state that they refuse to give out documentation and that
>if you want to support free software you shouldn't buy any of their
>products. If we also maintain a list of companies that _has_ given
>out specs to GGI developers it might at least make manufacturers think
>about it.

I think this sounds like the best idea yet.

For example, I have found S3 to be very helpful in getting register-level
programming info -- at least for their S3 sound chip.  I suspect their
regarding their other chips would be comparable.

So, I say Kudos to S3, and phooey on Nvidia!  (Too bad, I just picked up a
Diamond G330 dirt cheap -- I'd like it to run under ggi)


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