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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 19:34:01 +0200

STOP IT! (was: Re: NVidia is a horseshit company)

> > yes lets start an email campaign on this, we will see what happens,
> > once people realize that there are over 5 Millions linux users
> > arround the world, hope they have big email boxes.
> If you start an e-mail campaign, it's gotta be non-threatening.  NOT some
> flameware on slashdot.  I might say "NVidia is a horseshit company" on
> the GGI mailing list, but that doesn't mean I'm not for being tactful to
> the assholes' [collectively speaking] face.

We all dislike companies that doesn't give out specs, but nothing
gets better by whining and calling them assholes. For that matter
this list is not a private forum.

GGI needs to keep a proffesional attitude against card manufacturers,
as well as users, and this thread doesn't fit into that at all!

What we could do instead is to maintain a list of manufacturers that
doesn't give out specs on our website. Not call them assholes, just
plainly state that they refuse to give out documentation and that
if you want to support free software you shouldn't buy any of their
products. If we also maintain a list of companies that _has_ given
out specs to GGI developers it might at least make manufacturers think
about it.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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