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  From: Shawn Leas <>
  To  : David Waite <>
  Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 12:07:02 -0500 (CDT)

Re: NVidia is a horseshit company

On Fri, 18 Sep 1998, David Waite wrote:

> Could you please explain again why they have a legal responsibility to
> release private technical information on a component? NVidia has quite a
> few lawyers threatening them already...
> -David Waite

There is a level of information regarding programming specs needed  to use
the card as advertised unless running windows.  I have stated in the past
that I believe that level of information [whatever that is] is necessary,
or, in other words, falls under the legal definition of "necessary
information" interpreted in recent court decisions.

Also, anyone whose taken a law course knows the importance of precedence.
I don't give enough of a f*ck about RIVA to research the idea further, and
I would need to contact some old law professors, too. Too much work.

Hehehe, that's pretty pathetic, it's more work just to get NVidia to allow
us to support their platform, than it would be to actually just do the

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