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  From: Shawn Leas <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 12:09:42 -0500 (CDT)

Re: NVidia is a horseshit company

On Fri, 18 Sep 1998, Sven wrote:

> > Here's a scenario for you.  I design a video card, and I write a
> > linux driver for it, and manufacture a bunch of them.  Then, I
> but then your linux driver is GPLed, and you have to release the source of it, thous, no need for documentation.
> in some country, germany for example, reverse engineering is legal in such cases.
> > I plan to mail NVidia something to the effect of "I'm interested
> yes lets start an email campaign on this, we will see what happens, once people realize that there are over 5 Millions linux users arround the world, hope they have big email boxes.

If you start an e-mail campaign, it's gotta be non-threatening.  NOT some
flameware on slashdot.  I might say "NVidia is a horseshit company" on
the GGI mailing list, but that doesn't mean I'm not for being tactful to
the assholes' [collectively speaking] face.

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