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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 04:12:13 -0400

Re: NVidia is a horseshit company

Sven wrote:
> what about a massive email campaign on slashdot or similar, with all people
> mailing them that they will _not_ buy their card if they don't provide
> basic information on the card.

...And whatever company this mob is pointed at will promptly start
ignoring both these people and especially Linux, since apparently most
linux users demand things they have no rights to.

If you threaten someone in the act of trying to persuade them, don't be
surprised when they punch you in defense :) It is far better to have an
email campaign of people who are saying "I will help you write a driver,
or even do it all myself under NDA if that is needed." rather then "You
people suck! I will never buy your products since you don't support
linux.". One will sit better, guess which

> Once we have flooded their email boxes, and they don't release the docs,
> we can go to step two and see if there is someone with lawyer experience
> that can threaten them a bit in some reasonable way.

Could you please explain again why they have a legal responsibility to
release private technical information on a component? NVidia has quite a
few lawyers threatening them already...

-David Waite

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