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  From: Tomas Andrle <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 07:27:37 +0200

Re: New target `display-tele' committed

> Some possibilities:
>   1.  It wouldn't be massively hard to rewrite the server into a little
>       windowing system that could accept multible connections.
>       `GGI Window System' anybody ? :-))
>   2.  It should also be possible to rewrite the server to accept upto 6
>       simultaneous connections, and display the visuals on the sides of
>       a rotating cube (hint hint ;-).

3. instead sending the commands through network, write 'em into a file and
	read it later. could be a disk-space cheap way to store pictures made
	of primitives (and animations...) :-)

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