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  From: Sengan Baring-Gould <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 19:27:42 -0600

Re: NVidia is a horseshit company

> The only excuse I can think of for them is that they don't want to deal
> with the hassle of tech issues dealing with the documentation or drivers
> written by third parties. Big issue actually.

  Actually this is probably truer that lots of you may think. I've been
asking to get all the NDA'd docs to be made freely available but the
marketing people are frightened that they'd have to support tons of
idiots afterwards. It's a shame, but unfortunately we do get asked a
lot of very stupid questions that waste time, so no dox=no questions
other than "give me the dox" which are often answered by a "no".

This is one of the interesting things about chips. Unless the customer
is buying a large number of them, the margin made on them would not
be enough to cover the cost of his questions. In a way, chips should
come at one price, and services at another, rather than in a package.
But companies are not used to that model and are unlikely to change.


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