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  From: Sengan Baring-Gould <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 17:50:38 -0600

Re: PCI info, please! (was: Re: Libggi and KGI)

Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> Sengan Baring-Gould wrote:
> > - if possible auto-configuration of most of kgicon from the PCI info
> I requested information from everybody to make this possible,
> but so far I've only recieved two replies, and one was for
> the Millennium which is already supported...
> I'll take it again:
> Everybody who has got kgicon working on a PCI card,
> please send me the following:
> * Your kgicon .config file
> * Your /proc/bus/pci/devices file
> * The complete and correct name of the card and the vendor.

You got mine, right ? I sent it to the list.


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