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  From: Christian Reiniger <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 21:44:39 +0200

Re: New target `display-tele' committed

Andrew Apted wrote:

>Display-tele is a LibGGI target which sends libggi primitives over a
>socket to a server (called `teleserver') and receives input events back
>from the server.  The server is in lib/libggi/display/tele/.  To make

Geez - you have no ambitions to replace XFree, don't you?

>  2.  It should also be possible to rewrite the server to accept upto 6
>      simultaneous connections, and display the visuals on the sides of
>      a rotating cube (hint hint ;-).

A much easier way (IMHO) : draw to a normal memory target and give that
memory region to OpenGL for use as texture. That way you (1) are not
constrained to cubes and (2) don't have the networking overhead.


Windows 95 - Native Plug & Pray

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