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  To  : mailing list GGI <>
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 18:22:19 +0200 (MEST)


> > >  Probably not.  But why is there an assumption that CTRL+'c' == 0x0003 ?
> > >  Couldn't some target/environment want to map CTRL+'c' to something else?
> > Yes, so the question is, what _should_ it map to under LibGGI ?  
> > I think the CTRL+<letter> thing is standard enough (in a de facto sort
> > of way) for us to adopt it for LibGGI.  The other alternative is just
> > GGIK_VOID, which is what you get with CTRL+';' etc, but I prefer the
> > former.  What do you think ?
> Follow the standards. Except, if a target _has_ an explicit way to set such
> or query things (like the Linux console), we should do what all others do.
> To make it 100% unclear: I mean returning something like 
> if (CTRL_IS_ON && x>=64 && x<96 ) return (x & 31); else return K_VOID;
> :-)
> CU,ANdy
> -- 
> = Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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