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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 17 Sep 1998 22:16:29 GMT

Re: Request for new FAQ

Thaddeus Black <> wrote with confidence:
> The FAQ questions:
>   o  What is EvStack?

      EvStack (now under development as GGI Console) is a replacement
for the Linux console subsystem. It provides a basic object abstraction
(the event filter) that can be used to handle input, display, keymapping,
terminal emulation, and many other event-driven console tasks.

      GGI Console is currently (as of Sept. 1998) undergoing a major
redesign. It is considered pre-Alpha code, but you can get information
on it and the current code base from:

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -

On the wonderful world of Microsoft Products:
 "Where is the lower cost in NT Server?  Our systems are cheaper because a)
  they are cheaper and b) they work.  How does an expensive system with an
  extra year of post-install nightmare come out cheaper?"
	- John Jensen <> comp.os.linux.advocacy

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