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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 21:17:04 +0200

Re: kgicon into kernel?

Stefan Mars wrote:

> > Hmm, if Stefan fell in the trap, there is obviously a misunderstanding :
> >
> > We aren't merging KGI in the kernel. Not anytime soon. We are talking
> > about integrating *kgicon* and the *drivers* in the kernel. Indeed, the
> I don't consider that much of a difference from what I said :)

Well, there's a big difference :) KGI is a console replacement patch
for the kernel, making it multiheaded, graphical and such. KGIcon is
bridging code, allowing KGI drivers to run on top of the now standard
linux graphical console, fbcon, as a "fbmem device". It doesn't require
to patch the kernel anywhere - the couple of missing things were
patched by Andrew Apted and yours truly, and it's now part of the
standard 2.1 kernel since 2.1.107..


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