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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 17:19:11 +0200

Re: Oddball clockchip

Bob Nicksic wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 16, 1998 3:41 PM, Marcus Sundberg
> [] wrote:
> > If all goes well you should end up with a kgicon.o kernel module.
> Both modules present, kgicon.o and fbcon-kgi.o

FYI, fbcon-kgi.o is not a module, it's just one of many object
files that are linked to create that kgicon.o module.

> > Then you have to check if you have any other framebuffer device
> > loaded in the kernel by running 'cat /proc/fb'. If you do have that
> I do not.
> > you should run 'cd ../util ; make install ; cd ../kgi' to build and
> BTW the make install portion doesn't work on 980915

I know. I added that while writing the message, sorry I didn't state
that in my mail.

> > install the con2fbmap utility which you will need now.
> >
> > Now you're all setup and should run 'insmod kgicon.o'. If you
> > don't get any error messages kgicon is now inserted into the
> I don't get any error messages that I can tell, because my monitor still
> won't sync properly.  Using the fixed gendac clock, my monitor displays
> some pulsating colored dots on all VCs.  Using the prog ICS clocks, my
> monitor displays the contents of the screen 4 times, cuts off about 6
> characters from the left and has a really annoying flicker.  Just like it
> always has in the past.  I still think that I have a rare and elusive to
> documentation clock chip.

Ok, here I can't help you as I don't have any GX hardware myself,
so I'll leave it to Sengan or Emmanuel.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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