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  From: ixx <>
  To  : GGI Development List <>
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 09:44:17 -0500

Re: Licenses and stubborn people (Dual License?)

I keep trying to send this through and have more errors.  Lets see if this

Would there be any problem with just releasing under BSD & GPL/LGPL when a
stable release or snapshot is done?  Is a sublicense OK for GPL?  eg.  in the
CVS tree its all under some X like license, when a snapshot is created its
released twice under BSD and GPL/LGPL.  Anyone that sends patches in would
have to send the code knowing it would be dual released.  Maybe that could be
said in the X-style license.  

Another idea would be to have two CVS trees.  When you commit to the CVS it is
automatically sent to both trees.  One tree is BSD and one GPL/LGPL.  This is
extra space of course but I can not see a real valid argument from the license
crowd.  Noone will have a chance of saying some patch is BSD only or GPL only.  



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