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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 16:29:22 +0200

Re: Makefile vote II


It's "forking week", or is everyone very nervous? Please, all, show some
social skills.. We all want the same thing.

> Then I will change it for myself and present the my tree to linus. With
> the new cvs browser I can see what you guys have changed. I see none of
> guys don't think their is a snowball chance in hell of getting it in.
> Well I think your wrong. QNX filesystem just got added to 2.1.121. So much
> for a code freeze. Do you think linus will think QNX filesystem support is
> more important than KGI.

Please do not do that. Steffen is right, it isn't a good idea to go ahead
and change drivers like that. Especially as our plans don't end at the
linux kernel and fbcon.. The new KGI API will be unveiled soon, we'll
talk about it (if Steffen wishes) at the IRC meeting. A BSD port should
finally happen soon..

James, you have done a lot of appreciated work in the kernel integration
area. Please find a better solution..? We are open to discussion..


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