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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 23:05:41 +1000

New target `display-tele' committed

Gee, this is becoming a bad habit :-).

Display-tele is a LibGGI target which sends libggi primitives over a
socket to a server (called `teleserver') and receives input events back
from the server.  The server is in lib/libggi/display/tele/.  To make
the server, first configure and make libggi with the tele target, then
cd into that directory and `make -f Makefile.server'.

Right now only 8 bit modes are supported.  There are also lots of
unimplemented or unoptimized stuff (isn't there always *wicked grin*).
The main thing not yet implemented is binding the client socket to
another host, so machine-to-machine usage isn't possible... yet...

Some possibilities:

  1.  It wouldn't be massively hard to rewrite the server into a little 
      windowing system that could accept multible connections.  
      `GGI Window System' anybody ? :-))
  2.  It should also be possible to rewrite the server to accept upto 6
      simultaneous connections, and display the visuals on the sides of
      a rotating cube (hint hint ;-).
_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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