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  From: Tristan Wibberley <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 02:07:06 +0000

Re: Opening graphics files....

Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> Hmmm, we really need a library to load images and put them onto
> a visual. Hmm, some ideas just popped up in my head. ;)
> * It should have dynamically loaded "loaders", just like libggi
>   have it's targets. This will keep the core library small and
>   still provide support for every possible imageformat. It'll
>   also let us use existing libraries like libgif/libjpeg/libgbm
>   without needing every library to be installed for it to run.

IMHO it should be an extension with two main functions - GillLoadFrame,
GillSaveFrame - and some support functions for colourmaps. It could
support video formats by letting you specify the frame, in the case of
things like MPEGs, you could specify a visual and rectangle which
indicates what to use as the last P frame.

> * You should be able to associate an image with a visual, which would
>   convert the image to the apropriate format and do dithering as
>   needed. Dithering modules would also be dynamicly loaded.

With Gill as extension you get that implicitly

> * How about naming it libgil for General Image Loader :)

libGill for General Image Loading Library - It's cleaner with a real
name (IMHO).

> Does this sound like something useful?


Tristan Wibberley		Linux is a registered trademark
				of Linus Torvalds.

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