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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 13:06:14 +1000

Re: License settlement once for all. [Re: See you later alligator.]

Emmanuel "submaster" Marty :) writes

>  Ok, I'll make a proposition. This is what Andy and I proposed
>  several months ago, but apparently it never made it through.
>  Okay, here goes:
>  1) Linux KGI/kgicon is GPL

Fine with me.

>  2) BSD KGI equivalent is BSD

Also fine.

>  3) KGI drivers are multi-licensed :
>     GPL for linux
>     BSD for *BSD
>     ..
>     others will follow.

This `multi-licensing' idea I am unsure about.  I think it only makes
sense when there are multible distributions, each with a single license.

Since anonymous CVS is essentially a distribution, we would need to shut
that down, since under a multi-license scheme it would not contain
properly licensed code but `plug-in license' code.

Now that doesn't bother me, but it is food for thought.

>  4) libggi is (stays) LGPL.


_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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