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  From: Bob Nicksic <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 19:34:15 -0500

RE: Oddball clockchip

On Wednesday, September 16, 1998 3:41 PM, Marcus Sundberg 
[] wrote:
> Bob Nicksic wrote:
> > Well, I'm not.  What's the problem?
> You've been given partly incorrect instructions.
> I've updated the README.install file in degas/kgicon, here's
> the part about after you have typed 'make' in the kgicon/kgi
> directory:
> If all goes well you should end up with a kgicon.o kernel module.

Both modules present, kgicon.o and fbcon-kgi.o

> Then you have to check if you have any other framebuffer device
> loaded in the kernel by running 'cat /proc/fb'. If you do have that

I do not.

> you should run 'cd ../util ; make install ; cd ../kgi' to build and

BTW the make install portion doesn't work on 980915

> install the con2fbmap utility which you will need now.
> Now you're all setup and should run 'insmod kgicon.o'. If you
> don't get any error messages kgicon is now inserted into the

I don't get any error messages that I can tell, because my monitor still 
won't sync properly.  Using the fixed gendac clock, my monitor displays 
some pulsating colored dots on all VCs.  Using the prog ICS clocks, my 
monitor displays the contents of the screen 4 times, cuts off about 6 
characters from the left and has a really annoying flicker.  Just like it 
always has in the past.  I still think that I have a rare and elusive to 
documentation clock chip.
> You're now running kgicon!
Sorry, but once again, no I am not.  Sengan, I'll try those binaries you 
were talking about.


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