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  From: Sengan Baring-Gould <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 19:29:21 -0600

Re: Licenses and stubborn people

Jason McMullan wrote:

> Hartmut Niemann <> wrote with confidence:
> > I am tired of this discussion.
> >
>  So am I. I would be happy with BSD for libGGI, GPL for kgicon.

Funny. I would say the opposite:

BSD/GPL for kgicon
LGPL for libggi.

But I don't code the latter, so my vote is:

BSD/GPL for kgicon with:
a) the requirement that any new contributions are both BSD and GPL
b) the request for people taking the BSD license to give back anyway.

My reasons are:

- kgi could work on BeOS
- kgi could work on Solaris now the source is available (they're not
   going to GPL solaris to get our kgi drivers)
- kgi could work on *BSD with the right license
- kgi could work on MacOS X
- kgi could work on JavaOS
- kgi could work on DOS (djgpp) or WinCE

With the UDI (see slashdot) initiative, there is possible interest from other
Now if there is one driver for all these platforms, there will be more interest
vendors to make kgi drivers. Right now because X exists on more platforms, if we
were to employ someone at work to do a linux driver it would most likely be X.
The advantages of kgi must be:

- ease of programming
- flexibility
- widespread availability.

Anything else is a shot in the foot. Also, please Steffen get the new API out
If scitech, etc are to use kgi as a model, we better have one and only one API.


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