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  To  :
  Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 13:31:32 +1000

Re: Nixterm: a simple terminal for LibGGI

On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:
>Andrew Apted wrote:
>> >  Also control doesn't work with the X-targets. Is that a problem with
>> >  those or with nixterm?
>Ok. Could you plese describe what events (well, key events obvioiusly,
>I mean their contents ;) are supposed to be generated by libggi when
>the user does:
>press CTRL
>press 'c'
>release 'c'
>release CTRL
>and I'll take care of that.

This brigns me to a problem. First be warned I am using, so
this might have changed.

I was listening for keyrepeats under the X target.  Now X doesn't generate
keyrepeat events but fakes them with Release-Press pairs, this is cool.
The libggi X targets however seems to fake them with a Press-Release pair!
(Or maybe someone is dropping an event and going out of sync with X, I didn't
check the timestamps).  

This is confusing as all hell because it means that after the keyrepeat, the
application has to assume the key is _unpressed_.  This is not good.

Sincerely, Adrian Ratnapla.

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