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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 22:40:52 +0200

Re: Oddball clockchip

Bob Nicksic wrote:
> Well, I'm not.  What's the problem?

You've been given partly incorrect instructions.
I've updated the README.install file in degas/kgicon, here's
the part about after you have typed 'make' in the kgicon/kgi

If all goes well you should end up with a kgicon.o kernel module.
Then you have to check if you have any other framebuffer device
loaded in the kernel by running 'cat /proc/fb'. If you do have that
you should run 'cd ../util ; make install ; cd ../kgi' to build and
install the con2fbmap utility which you will need now.

Now you're all setup and should run 'insmod kgicon.o'. If you
don't get any error messages kgicon is now inserted into the
kernel. If you had any framebuffer device previously in the kernel
you have to run 'cat /proc/fb', check the number next to "KGI",
and then run 'con2fbmap 0 <number>'.

You're now running kgicon!

Once you have kgicon running you should 'cd' into the 
"degas/kgicon/util/fbset" directory and run 'make install'. This
will create the needed device files in the /dev directory if they
doesn't already exist, and also install the fbset utility which is
used to change the video mode of the console.

When you have done this you should build libggi and try some of the
demos out. See the toplevel README file to find out how to build 

Please ask again if you don't get it to work.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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