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  From: teunis <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 12:10:37 -0700 (MST)

Re: DJGPP - LibDL anywhere ?

On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET) wrote:

> Cool! If you just need to load a KGI driver in memory perhaps you don't need 
> a whole dynamic loader. Allegro uses VBE/AF drivers, they are binary images 
> and the loading process is easy. But our VBE/AF drivers have a relocation 
> table so we can load the code at any address, what's the format of the KGI 
> driver?

KGI drivers are in relocatable static ELF format usually
(ELF binaries incompletely compiled.  Imported objects are listed in
dynamic-data section (canna remember) and the object requires relocating
to where it runs).

Actually IMHO should be easy to port, say, 'insmod' to DOS to handle the
linking *grin*
(modutils is what handle linking drivers into the kernel)

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

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