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  From: teunis <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 15:04:37 -0700 (MST)

Re: GT_2BIT? (and bitplanar targets)

On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Hartmut Niemann wrote:

> Geert wrote:
> > Even if you know that you have an 8 bpp screen, how do you know that it's
> > packed, bitplanes, interleaved bitplanes? And then I'm not talking about
> > endianness (e.g. packed 4 bpp is 2 pixels in 1 byte: AB or BA?).
> This is (AFAIK) wat the subscheme is for. The user will most probably
> not care about it, the libggi uses it to differentiate between different
> memory layouts.

Which reminds me.  I've got some code -designed- for a bitplanar card
[read: EGA/8514/compatible & amiga afaik :]

There any way to talk to bitplanar hardware?  This is something I haven't
figured out how to talk to in GGI....

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis
[the program is 'kon' a -seriously- accelerated console emulator with
extended font support (ie >8000 characters at once) :]

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