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  To  :
  Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 20:09:22 +0200 (MEST)

Re: Nixterm: a simple terminal for LibGGI

Hi !

> Ok. Could you plese describe what events (well, key events obvioiusly,
> I mean their contents ;) are supposed to be generated by libggi when
> the user does:


Type	sym		label		code
> press CTRL
PRESS	none		GGI_KEY_CTRL?	something_unique
> press 'c'
PRESS	LATIN1|0x03	LATIN1|'C'	something_unique
> release 'c'
RELEASE	LATIN1|0x03	LATIN1|'C'	something_unique
> release CTRL
PRESS	none		GGI_KEY_CTRL?	something_unique

We can talk about CTRL returning GGI_KEY_CTRL? as a symbol, too ...
Not sure about that.

The CTRL? stands for [L/R/] depending on the available granularity.

BTW: If X or some other target can't report Ctrl reasonably, it is legal
to leave out the CTRL events.

The label for "c" is "C", because that's what is usually actually printed
on the key.

IIRC the X target doesn't handle modifiers right and always returns just
the lowercase letter.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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