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  From: Edward S. Marshall <>
  To  : Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET) <>
  Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 09:40:52 -0500 (CDT)

Re: DJGPP - LibDL anywhere ?

On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET) wrote:
> What exactly is LibDL?

If I'm not mistaken, Andy is probably referring to the UNIX libdl concept;
dynamically loaded libraries via dlopen() and company.

I wasn't aware that DJGPP could actually do runtime library loading; if
so, it's come farther than the last time I looked at it (which,
admittedly, was 4-5 years ago ;-).

Andy, have you (or has someone else) considered working on a port using
mingw32 (the minimal GCC port to Win32; it doesn't come with that silly
cygwin.dll, and all the licensing issues that (at least used to) surround
it)? I remember seeing someone posting about getting it running under
cygwin32, but that requires cygwin.dll...

-------------------.  emarshal at  .---------------------------------
Edward S. Marshall  `-----------------------'

   Linux labyrinth 2.1.117 #2 SMP Thu Aug 20 21:20:49 CDT 1998 i586 unknown
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