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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 23:11:47 +0200

Re: Website updated (was: Re: Time for a stable version release ?)

Huwo !

> > It does, and he gave it to me. I just made a massive upgrade to
> > most information on the site.
> Ok, that's great!

Yeah, Andy is full of resources ;)

> Well, I don't know much what other people are doing.

Oh, sure sure :) /me looks over your shoulder at the black list
of people to use the whip on .. (teunis? libggi3D in red letters? hmm ;)

> But I suggest that you simply toss the old who's who and then
> 1. Check which mirrors are kept uptodate
> 2. Send a message to the list asking people to report what they
>    are maintaing and/or working on, and how much completed it is.
> After that I believe the list will have shrunk by at least 50% :-(

Probably.. I believe I only kept what is currently being worked on tho -
KGIcon, libggi, kgicon, the new ggi console that Jason announced,
steffen's new KGI (it's not vaporware either, I have evidence ;), all
display drivers, and ftp/www mirrors (most of which are still maintained,
but indeed auto cvs updates would help..).

> > That would be best, at least all people with access to the devel
> > repository could make updates. No more stalling of the site for a
> > month..
> Ok, that would be nice. It would also make it easier to update
> the mirrors.

Yeah. I'll setup what is necessary, as soon as I have a minute (hrm,
I shouldn't say that. well, soon, anyway ;)


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