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  From: Stefan Mars <>
  To  : teunis <>
  Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 22:27:03 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: libggi not working ...

On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, teunis wrote:

> AFAIK it compiles under Sun's compiler, SGI's compiler (last I heard) plus
> a few others and I'm thinking of munging it up to compile under Visual
> C++!

Perhaps a version that will work with InterCAL as well? :)
> None of these platforms support GNU's autoconf utilities.... (unless you
> install them....  and that's kind of irritating.. and makes for -big-
> downloads when libGGI is so small)

Am I totally off here.. but don't we require gnu make already? And the
current configure scripts aren't the worlds most portable either...

I see no reason why we couldn't support more than one way of configuring
the libs.
> This is -not- a GNU-only world....

One GNU to rule them all... :)
> PS: these aren't really my opinions.  I could care less.  I'm willing to
> install GNU utils on my win-blows-98 system... though requiring GNU tools
> is silly except on platforms that are based on GNU to begin with (Linux,
> BSD, et al)

Just a note on windows. People who will get the source and compile
themselfes are likely to download and install required compiletools as
well, including automake and autoconf should that be necessary. The rest
will probably use binary releases which _is_ the most dominant way of
distributing software under Windows. Most people don't have a compiler
installed there.


| Stefan Mars              |Student, Applied physics & Electrical engineering |
| Bjoernkaerrsgatan 15B:30 |Linkoping Institute of Technology                 |
| S-584 36 Linkoping       |                                                  |
| Sweden                   |Email: Phone: +46 (0)13175384 |
|         Maintainer of The THX Home Cinema Buyers Guide, located at          |
|                    |
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