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  Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 19:52:00 +0000

Scrolling bad in ModeX (Was: Nixterm: a simple terminal for LibGGI)

On 09 15, Andrew Apted wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just uploaded to my homepage a simple little terminal program
> called `nixterm', which runs on top of LibGGI.  It has minimal
> functionality (hence the name), but it does have a scrollback buffer
> and screen blanking.  My page is at:

I checked it immediately. It seems to work fine, though in all `mode-x`
resolutions in svgalib, the scrolling is completely wrong. In X11 it works
okay, and in 320x200x256 in svgalib I see no problems either. I think there's
a bug in using the bitplanes of mode-x in svgalib through libggi.

I still haven't found a decent way to do page-flipping in libggi-on-svgalib
by the way. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

smoke of crap
`/usr/games/fortune -o`

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