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  From: Jos Hulzink <>
  To  : GGI Development <>
  Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 15:32:48 +0200 (CEST)

Debugging kgicon (vga and S3Virge)


I try to get debug information out of the S3Virge driver, but when I
insmod the driver from a textconsole (RS232), it sends output information
to my main screen. The problem is that the information is printed (I
can see a flash of it), but the screen turns black immediately
(monitor says there is no signal or the timings are incorrect), so I can't
read anything.

When I insmod the vga-driver, the debug info is also sent to the main
screen, but there I can see
something, but for some reason the characters mix up and are enlarged very
much, each real pixel is about 8 or 16 pixels horizontal on my screen, and
one real line is two lines on my screen, so that mode is unusable.

Can anyone help me with this ? I'd like to help debugging and testing.

Greetings, Jos Hulzink

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