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  To  :
  Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 09:59:30 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: SYNC mode should go

Hi !

> > What is the big difference ?
> > If we do proper locking and abstract it, we should be able to make a lock
> > mechanism for threads as well as one for signals - or ?

> For the last time, forget about async-signal-saftey.

O.K. - I'll trust you on that, because I have no deep insight into this matter.

So I would suggest to go the following way:

1. Make ASYNC mode the default. We should give the users the message, that
ASYNC mode is the better thing and thus the default.

2. Leave SYNC mode. If threads are enabled, we just use them, if not, we live 
with the possibility of a lockup or erratic behaviour. We can simply give
a warning like: "SYNC mode is unsafe on this target - don't complain if it 

> That can be fixed in the X target, although it'd be difficult to do without
> requiring thread support...

Yep ...


Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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