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  Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 18:53:10 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Time for a stable version release ?

On Sun, 13 Sep 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> > We have a fullscreen web browser and a thread animate_logo.
> > The thread might want to check, if the app has locked the buffer, and
> > only if it hasn't it would do so itself and update the logo.
> Why should we bloat libggi with this??
> Libggi is not a high-level gfx API. We should make sure that
> calling drawingprimitives, setpalette and such functions from
> different threds work, but that's it.
> Things like the above, synchronising modesetting between threads
> etc. belongs either in the app or in a higher level API.

The locks Andy describes are an integral part of thread safety, as well as
being useful for what he describes.  In the case of indirect framebuffers
(i.e. X), it also provides the library with an idea when it should flush
that to the display when the directbuffer is unlocked.


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