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  From: Bob Nicksic <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 17:55:26 -0500

RE: Multi-Adaptor Compatibilty Matrix

Question.  The matrix shows that the cyrix driver can be used as both a 
primary and secondary driver.  However, on my machine the BIOS (Phoenix 
4.05) scans for an external card and disables the integrated video if it 
finds one.  The only other BIOS option is to disable the integrated video 
entirely.  How are you able to use the integrated video in such a case, as 
I would like to be able to do so?  Just curious.

Bob Nicksic
-----Original Message-----
From:	Brian Julin []
Sent:	Sunday, September 13, 1998 3:23 PM
Subject:	Multi-Adaptor Compatibilty Matrix

My first pass at it at least; needs a lot of improvement
on many levels and I wasn't too thorough about entering what's
theoretically possible.

You'll be needing something other than lynx to make use
of it I'm afraid.

So send in those submissions! (And someone mail me some good
table formatting/background code fragments to make it
follow the main WWW site's scheme and I'll put them

P.S. It really would be good if submissions include the command
lines used to get the system working.

P.P.S.  Damn, things sure do move along a lot faster in PERL :).

Brian S. Julin

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