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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 15:56:51 -0700

Re: lucky! current ViRGE driver works...

teunis says:
> Well, the current driver finally runs on my beasty.  I've got no graphic
> modes, no demos work, ... but textmode finally works.

I tried the latest (at the time - 980912) with my luck.
With just my virge card in, I get a black screen and a hang. 
DEBUG_LEVEL is 0 as the virge readme says it should be -- maybe I
should try setting it higher just to see what output I get.

One scary thing I noticed when I (optimistically) tried it with my
968 card in my machine also...the virge module inserted ok, but the
screen attached to the *968* changed, and had what roughly resembled
working graphics modes.  At first, there were vertical white bars on
the screen, and when I ran demos, I saw what was obviously the right
stuff being drawn to the fb, but not in the right format.

Does this surprise you?  It looks like it's mistaking my 968 for a
virge...  (note: the 968 was first in the PCI device list...if I
put it the other way around, my machine won't boot).

> I'm gonna mess about a bit and try and get graphics  + rmmod working :)

Hmm.  Once rmmod works, how would you do it?  Would you have to change
con2fbmap to have an "unmap" option, so you would no longer be using
the framebuffer?  That would be pretty handy.

-Neal Tucker

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