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  From: Todd T. Fries <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 15:54:13 -0500

Re: Automatic CVS logs?

On Thu, Sep 10, 1998 at 10:15:23AM +0200, Hartmut Niemann wrote:
> Hi!
> Would it be possible/interesting for you, if we got a dayly
> autogenerated message from the CVS system with
> all file change log messages with -who did it- and -what files are
> affected- and -the reason given-?
> It would be only one more message on this list, and it would give
> people a quick overview what changed in the tree.
> Possible?
> Comments?

I don't know if that would be ideal but sure it would be interesting.

What I'd be happy to see is a mailing list
where only the cvs server sends mail and each commit sends an email detailing
the commit message and the files modified and the time and the user who made
the commit .. that is what OpenBSD and NetBSD and FreeBSD have .. quite useful!

Todd Fries ..

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