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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 22:41:59 +0200

Re: Multi-Adaptor Compatibilty Matrix

Brian Julin wrote:
> My first pass at it at least; needs a lot of improvement
> on many levels and I wasn't too thorough about entering what's
> theoretically possible.
> You'll be needing something other than lynx to make use
> of it I'm afraid.
> So send in those submissions! (And someone mail me some good
> table formatting/background code fragments to make it
> follow the main WWW site's scheme and I'll put them
> in.)

It would be nice to have the cells background colored, ie green
for working and red for nonworking combination.

> P.S. It really would be good if submissions include the command
> lines used to get the system working.

For the CL5430 Millennium II combination you just insert the
modules. (Order doesn't matter)
Also, in addition to this:
> Now if I could only have an accelerated X-server that works on
> the Millennium II after the KGI-driver has been loaded.
> (The MMIO mode seems to confuse the XF86_SVGA more than a bit ;)
> Until that comes true, where can I find an XF86_FBDEV server for
> ix86 (preferedly glibc2) ?
you should mention that MetroX works fine with Millennium in MMIO

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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