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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 21:05:33 -0700

Re: ANNOUNCE: cvsweb browsing of sources and changes in CVS

Emmanuel Marty says:
> In short: it rocks! Have fun with it, and I hope it'll help you.
> It is available at

This is great.  It will really let people keep informed on what's

I do have one comment, though...could you reduce the amount of
fluff at the top of each page (i.e. the big picture and the
instructions)?  It's really a pain to have to scroll down to see
the information you're interested in on EVERY page.
(this is actually something that annoys me about the pages on in general, but even more so in such a "pure
information" tool like cvsweb should be).

-Neal Tucker

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