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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 17:04:55 +0000

Re: libggi not working ...

Sven wrote:

> have you ever compiled some gnu stuff ?
> what you do is a ./configure, who create the right Makefile,
> after that you can easily build the system, with make && make install.

The fact that libggi doesn't use autoconf/automake has been discussed
several times on the list. It doesn't yet because

1) Noone got down to do it
2) It is believed that *BSD people would be annoyed by that.

We are aware of autoconf/automake, actually I am working on a side
project right now involving patches to binutils and other gnu programs so
I see it at work every day :)

I'm not sure about how much the 2) is true. I guess that, for libggi,
it wouldn't hurt anyway. As you seem to know the issue, would you
want to work on that for us?


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