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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 16:57:47 +0000

Re: MediaGX driver and GGI demos. wrote:

> Ok, I cleaned up my Linux system a bit and was able to recompile kgicon.o
> and libraries. I finally successfully switched console to 1024x768x8bpp
> mode on my MediaGX machine: it's beautiful and I'm staying with it. The
> refresh rate is neat, no flicker that I notice in Win95 in this mode. Good
> job, guys.

Thanks (and mine to Sengan, for porting to fbcon successfully). I am
forwarding your remark to Philip Sydor, an european manager at Cyrix / NSC
very interested in the Linux driver development and how it compares to
Windows. An happy customer for you, Phil :-)

Sengan: the -5 instead of -1 in the horizontal/vertical computation was
here to cope with a deficiency of KGI clock calculation (ie. this adjusted
the values to make them correct by the Cyrix specs). Apparently, fbcon/kgicon
computation is right, or got fixed at some point in time - not sure, but
seems to work fine now. Sorry for not mentioning that.

What is your exact system configuration? I'm trying to keep track of
the systems it is known to run on.

> However, the demos wouldn't run: they give unresolved symbols like
> ggiParseText, which is present in libggi.1.4.99. Symbolic links to it are
> ok. I tried putting libggi.1.4.99 in different directories and it didn't
> help. What do I need to do to get the demos to work?

That'll probably sound silly, but are you sure you are running the version
that you compiled? (ie. make install, and making sure you don't have a library
sooner in the path that the one you compiled..). ggiParseText was introduced
quite a while ago IIRC.


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