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  To  :
  Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 11:19:23 -0700 (PDT)

Eskimo North CVS

Hi All, 
I have been trying for almost a year now to get an anon CVS repository put up
on Eskimo North for this project. 
I had a seperate (very large) space set up in a public area. 
CVS *is* installed on Eskimo North. 
I was getting (for a while) the monthy repository updates and daily patches. 
The only thing left was to configure CVS for anon readonly access.  
The end result being a fast US server you (the developers) would have to
check code out from. 

Unfortunately, Eskimo North now tells me that they do not have the time or the
will ever to support this. Which is suprising because a few months ago they
told me they would *have* to support this, for other reasons. 

Please remove Eskimo North from all references as a CVS provider and supporter
of GGI and Free Software on the web site and wherever else it may appear (the
list is a service that comes with my account). 

Thank you, 

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