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  To  :
  Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 08:04:00 +0200 (MEST)

Re: SYNC mode should go

Hi !

> > > Hrm.  I wonder if signal mansync is responsible for the weird Xlib failures
> > > that looked like multithreading problems I've experienced in the X target in
> > > the past when I wasn't using threads...
> > 	I thought that came from not having threadsafe X libs?
> It does.  But I've also experienced it _ocasionally_ without USE_THREADS
> defined; whether the X libraries were threadsafe or not didn't seem to
> make too much of a difference then...

Yes - there were a few bugs in the locking code. IIRC somewhere in the 
input functions.

This is actually one of the reasons, why making SYNC an extension 
is IMHO not a good idea. Either leave it in the main lib and ensure proper
locking (which is really hard, if you have to interlock with some outside
sync method) or don't do it at all.

If it is a pain now, it would be a royal pain in an extension.


= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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