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  From: teunis <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 10:08:55 -0700 (MST)

Re: Open list of issues before Degas goes out

On Fri, 11 Sep 1998 wrote:

> I've had a fair amount of experience with both by now; I'd be willing to
> help out with that as soon as I get through this locking stuff.
> I think autoconf is definitely appropriate for LibGGI, although I still have
> mixed feelings about automake.  libtool might make building for static
> platforms a good deal easier, too, but it's hard work to set up without
> automake. Although actually we lose many of the advantages of LibGGI if we
> aren't dynamically linking, and there _are_ quite a few dynamic linking (and
> pthreads) packages for DOS out there now.

*heh* - and if anyone wants I can build an ELF-loader fer windows/XX too

I wonder if it's possible to be binary-compatible across intel platform
anyways?  I'm about to port my ELF-loader over to windows anyways so if
anyone has any suggestions...

(BTW - my ELF-loader, unlike, supports dynamically linking
partially-compiled binaries..  IE it supports linux kernel modules :)
[with added support for C++/... linking as well :]
Standard ELF object support is still incomplete... mayhaps I should fixup
my code into or libdl :]

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

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