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  From: Gerd Knorr <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 16:34:16 +0200

Re: Time for a stable version release ?

In lists.linux.ggi you write:

>Marcus writes:
>>  kgicon still has major problems and it's no point
>>  in trying to get it "stable" before we make the release. (kgicon
>>  always causes an oops that crashes the console when scrolling in
>>  emacs,

>This is not kgicon's fault, but races in the console driver.  I get the
>same oops under vesafb as well.

With vger's tree (or Martin Mares console patches) this should'nt
happen any more.  That was a missing cld in inline-assembler code
for a fast (rep movsl) bcopy.


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