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  From: Stefan Mars <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 07:55:33 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: GT_2BIT?

On Sat, 12 Sep 1998, Andrew Apted wrote:

> Stefan writes:
> >  Any particular reason why GT_2BIT isn't defined in <kgi/types.h> ?
> 1. The KGI drivers are still using the old graphtype scheme (GT_xxBIT
> and so on).  There are even some arrays like this in the code:
>     sometype foo[GT_LAST] = { ... };
>                  ^^^^^^^
> Q: do we upgrade the drivers for the new scheme, or what ?

I have missed something here... what new scheme?
> 2. Because no KGI videocard to date actually has such a mode.  I think
> it's mainly some m68k hardware that can do this (e.g. mac and acorn).

The Amiga comes to mind.. of course that's m68k. But if we are going to
port KGIcon to various archs, then the people who actually can run 2 bit
modes won't be happy if we leave it out...

Ok, it can wait though. Isn't that important. Just curious


| Stefan Mars              |Student, Applied physics & Electrical engineering |
| Bjoernkaerrsgatan 15B:30 |Linkoping Institute of Technology                 |
| S-584 36 Linkoping       |                                                  |
| Sweden                   |Email: Phone: +46 (0)13175384 |
|         Maintainer of The THX Home Cinema Buyers Guide, located at          |
|                    |
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