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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 11:55:33 +1000

Re: Open list of issues before Degas goes out

Emmanuel writes:

>  Here is a list of things that I am thinking about, that need to be done
>  before we can start a complete feature freeze, then debug and test like
>  crazy until we can consider it as a public release :
>  * Licensing issues
>  * Adapting kgicon configuration to the kernel, or the opposite, but
>    we need to do some seamless integration.
>  * Obviously, decide something on that synchronous rendering topic.
>  * Getting the generic monitor driver to become the standard and
>    remove the others.
>  * Get all drivers to work in all modes with fbcon, accordingly debugging
>    fbcon if necessary.
>  * Potentially, this autoconf/automake issue.
>  * Testing
>  * Debugging
>  * Some more testing
>  ....
That about covers it I think, but I can't help wondering how Steffen's
new KGI driver API (and config scheme as well) fits into all this...

>  The goal being to provide driver modules that fbcon can use for
>  rendering without users messing with kernel compilation;

Hmmm, when linux 2.2 comes out it probably won't have fbcon support
built into it as the default, which is bad news for us.  Maybe we need
to lobby the debian and redhat folks to enable fbcon support in their
binary distributions ?

>  as well as libggi with if possible an API that
>  really-we-aren't-shitting-you will stay the same from then on.

Yes absolutely, the LibGGI 2.0 API must be set in stone.

>  Ideally the drivers would be integrated in the kernel tree (as, like
>  the QNX filesystem that was just added, they don't break _anything_).

That would be ideal, but I'm fairly sure that Linus wouldn't accept it
(because of the sheer size of it, and because of his bias against GGI).
Assuming that we're ready before 2.2 comes out, it's still worth a try.

>  Do you think we could aim for a release on the night of 24 to
>  25 december ? Like we were going to do last year :) It's far
>  away enough, I think.

Yes, that'll be great.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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