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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 17:32:14 +0200

Re: DirectX for GGI

Jos Hulzink wrote:
> Hi !
> I installed GGI last week (the dali version) and thought it is a great
> project. Things don't run well on my S3Virge yet (VGA-driver crashes when
> used in console-mode, X works fine), but I know some day it will.
> I was thinking: Wouldn't it be very nice and easy if game developpers
> could port their Windows games to Linux (GGI) just by recompiling ? At the
> moment, most of the games use DirectDraw and Direct3D, and I think it has
> to be possible to use DirectX on top of GGI using macro's and an
> additional library. I want to know if there are more people thinking about
> this, if anything is done yet about DirectX support, and most what
> everyone is thinking about this.
> Please let me know your opinion, and maybe a new GGI-project is started
> today...

Stefan Mars ( did some work in making DirectX
run on top of GGI 6 months or so ago. You should get in touch with
him if you're interrested.

(And yes, I think it would be great if DirectX apps could be just
recompiled for GGI, so please give it a shot)

If you know DirectX you could also write a DirectDraw target for
libggi. We would be even happier to see GGI run on win32.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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